Dimensional analysis is a technique of converting units that may not be within the same unit system. It is not as hard of a concept as the name makes it out to be. All the technique is taking your original value then multiplying it by a ratio that relates the original unit to a new unit and so on. In order to clear the original unit the unit must be placed indirectly in two separate ratios. Click
here for more help understanding dimensional analysis. It might help.
We will be using this formula for our recipe project due Friday. It's going to take more research because we are going to need to convert cups and teaspoons to metric. We haven't really learned what the proportion of a cup is to metric, or even what unit it would be in. I found this chart which might help a bit. Click
here and it will make your project that much easier.
Thank you for the cooking conversion table, it has helped me out a ton so far! I also agree with you that the name 'dimensional analysis' belies it's simplicity.