Dalton's Atomic Theory

Composed over two centuries ago, was the first theory to what makes up everything around us. The man behind this was John Dalton. Even though Dalton's theory contains a few flaws, it is the basis of modern chemistry.
His theory was made into five points:
  1. All elements are made up of atoms, which is still known to be a true statement.
  2. All atoms of a single element are identical, which has been proven false with the discovery of isotopes.
  3. Atoms of different elements are different, which is still true.
  4. Compounds are made up of different elements, which is also true.
  5. Atoms are indivisible and aren't created nor destroyed. Atoms can be divisible since subatomic particles such as the quark have been discovered. However, atoms still must abide to the law of conservation of matter, making the second part of the statement true.
His work has lead others to further his discovery and evolve the expanding universe of chemistry. 

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