Acid/Base Test

I will be honest, I did not study for this test at all. I had a complete brain fart on this test, too. I did very bad and had no clue how to find a pH or H+ concentration or use an ICE equation. I'm just glad the very hard sections are done and the class will become easier.

Titration II

We preformed another titration lab, but this time we only found the molarity of an unknown solution. The whole lab was basically the same, but we had no clue what the acid was. We needed to find out what was the molarity and mass of the base to find the info on the acid.

Titration Lab

In this lab, we used a base to find the molar mass of an acid. We put NaOH in a burett. In a flask we have multiple chemicals to help find the molarity of the NaOH. After we find the molarity, we mix the acid, which was vinegar, and the base to find the molarity of the base, which can then be used to find the molar mass.

pH of Solutions

When finding the pH of solutions, you must use a "log" function. By taking a simple negative log function, you can find either the pH or pOH. pH is relating to [H+] and pOH is relating to [OH-].

The hard part of this lesson was writing equilibrium equations. Your Kc will equal an [H3O+] multiplied by the product and all divided by the other reactant. The hardest part was finding the pH of an aqueous solution. Learn how to do it by this link here.

Arrhenius Reactions

Arrhenius reactions the product is always produce salt and water. The strengths of the parent acids and bases determine the strength of the salt. Check out this awesome video about Arrhenius Reactions here.

We also learned about Kw and how it is used to find the equilibrium statement of the autoionization of water. Kc = [H30+][OH-] = Kw. If you take the Kc constant and divide it by the Molarity, you can find the [H+] and [OH-]. This link also has some good info about the reaction here.

Also check out the link under the photo.

First Thoughts

By the very first lesson, I was already confused. I'm definitely going to have a hard time on this unit. To start off with, acids produce H+ ions and bases create OH- ions. For a good basic summary check out this link here.

The link under the picture also has some good information about the ph scale and acids/bases.