Murder Mystery

In this lab, we had to discover who killed Mrs. Scarlet and what she was killed with. She was either killed with Silver Nitrate or Potassium Iodide. We did some pre-calculations and found out that only the silver nitrate will create a precipitate. When we performed the experiment, we found that the reaction produced a precipitate and that told us that silver nitrate was the murder weapon. We then found the molarity to come to the conclusion that Mr. Green killed Mrs. Scarlet.

Weekly Quiz

We had a quiz and I did absolutely horrible. The only thing on the quiz I knew how to do was dilutions. I had no idea how to do molarity because I fell asleep during that lesson. I did some research to figure this lesson out. I found an awesome website that completely explained the lesson. Check it out here if you had trouble with this section.

Also check out the link under the video.


Today we covered a new topic called Dilutions, more specifically serial dilutions. Right away, I made a connection between the dilution equation to the equation for the conservation of momentum or inertia. Basically serial dilution is when a solution is continually mixed with water and over time, the amount of the original solution will decrease in the water. You should really check out this video over stock dilution here.

Also if you want to learn more about dilution, check out this link here.

We also preformed a lab dealing with dilutions. We placed food coloring in water then took that solution and mixed it with more water. Eventually, we could not see the red anymore in the solution, but the percentage of food coloring was so low.